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Single sign-on with OpenID Connect

The single sign-on APIs allow you to authenticate customers with a single sign-on flow that uses the OpenID Connect protocol.


If you want to follow along, you need the following:

  • A Commerce account and the Client ID and Client Secret of your store, available from your Commerce Manager.
  • A front-end application or a custom application accessible to you in a web browser which accesses the Commerce API with the implicit token.
  • A basic understanding of object-oriented programming or JavaScript.
  • An access token.
  • A Redirect URL that corresponds to the URL which your storefront is accessing Composable Commerce. This URL is used in the single sign-on flow.
  • An authentication provider set up for your store that satisfies the requirements in the following section.

Requirements for Authentication Providers

An authentication provider for Commerce must have the following characteristics:

  • Compatible with OpenID Connect.
  • Supports authentication using the client_secret_basic authentication method.
  • Allows authentication using the Authorization Code Flow.
  • Supports the email scope and returns an email for each user in the resulting claims.
  • Publishes an OpenID Connect Discovery document.
  • Does not encrypt the ID token nor the UserInfo Endpoint response.
  • Has a generated ID token that contains only the client_id configured in Commerce.
  • Does not require the use of the nonce parameter or the acr_values parameter as part of the Authentication Request.
  • Does not rely on the auth_time claim being validated in ID token Validation.

Step-by-step Walkthrough

The following list outlines the steps of the single sign-on authentication flow to get a customer token:

  1. Get the customer authentication settings
  2. Get the list of configured single sign-on providers
  3. Generate Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Parameters
  4. Add parameters to the authorization endpoint URL
  5. Log in to the OpenID Connect provider
  6. Use the authorization code to retrieve a customer token

Get the customer authentication settings

Use the Customer Authentication Settings endpoint to get the client_id and the realm_id. Make a note of these values. You will need them later on.

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer XXXX" \

Get the list of configured single sign-on providers

To continue with the single sign-on flow, get the list of configured providers. From the list of configured providers presented to the customer, they choose which provider to authenticate with.

The following request uses the realm_id value from the previous step.

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer XXXX"

Make note of the authorization-endpoint link.

Generate proof key for code exchange parameters

The OpenID Connect single-sign on flow used by Composable Commerce requires the use of Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE), an additional OAuth protection mechanism specified in RFC 7636.

To use PKCE, the client needs to generate three additional parameters:

  • code_verifier - A hard-to-predict random value that is generated securely, as specified in RFC 7636 - Section 4.1
  • code_challenge_method - The mechanism in which the code_verifier is transformed. Commerce requires this to be S256.
  • code_challenge - A transformed version of the code_verifier as specified in RFC 7636 - Section 4.2

The Commerce Reference Experience includes an MIT licensed library that can be used to generate these parameters PkceUtilities.ts. In addition, there is an example of usage. For manual generation, you can use the Online PKCE Generator Tool.

Add parameters to the authorization endpoint URL

The authorization-endpoint link retrieved from Get the list of configured single sign-on providers requires some additional parameters. Add the required parameters to begin the OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow.

  • &scope=openid email
  • &response_type=code
  • &client_id=
  • &redirect_uri=
  • &state=
  • &code_challenge_method=S256
  • &code_challenge=

The client_id should be the value retrieved from Customer Authentication Settings. The redirect_uri is set up as part of the Prerequisites. The state parameter should be a hard to guess random value unique to each request.

For more information on parameters scope, response_type, client_id, redirect_uri, and state, see the OpenID Connect Specification. The code_challenge and code_challenge_method parameters should be set to the values in the previous section.

Additional parameters to the authorization endpoint URL

The OpenID Connect Specification specifies some optional parameters that can be set to control the behaviour of the Identity Provider.

  • display - Specifies how the authentication request is shown to the user.
  • prompt - Controls whether the user is required to reauthenticate.
  • ui_locales - Control the language that the login screen uses.

Commerce forwards these values to the configured Identity Provider, and you should consult your Identity Providers documentation to determine the allowed values.

Log in to the OpenID Connect provider

The Composable Commerce application should now redirect the user to the modified authorization-endpoint link, which begins the single sign-on flow for the user.

Use the authorization code to retrieve a customer token

After the previous step, the user follows a series of redirects to authenticate. Eventually they are redirected back to this Composable Commerce application, with some additional parameters as described in Successful Authentication Response.

After validating that the state parameter matches the value sent in the Add parameters to the Authorization Endpoint URL section, the Composable Commerce application can use the code parameter in the URL, and the code_verifier from the Generate Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Parameters section to get a customer token.

Request a customer token using the oidc authentication_mechanism. Use code as the oauth_authorization_code, code_verifier as oauth_code_verifier, and provide the redirect URI of the store which handled the response.

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer XXXX" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d $'{
"type": "token",
"authentication_mechanism": "oidc",
"oauth_authorization_code": "c2490f06-6d8e-4927-99aa-4bf02b419e96",
"oauth_redirect_uri": "",
"oauth_code_verifier": "0E934PurR8ExVg6Pj7T4kQewxKzWSfSFG5d15FGfww8"

For more information, see Authentication Response Validation in the OpenID specification.

The response is the same as a customer token requested using email and password, and can be used in the same requests