Account Membership
The Account Membership
resource represents the relationship between an account and an account member.
📄️ Get a List of Account Memberships of Account Member
You can also use `include=account` to retrieve details about the accounts associated with the account memberships. You can use pagination with this resource. For more information, see [pagination](/guides/Getting-Started/pagination).
📄️ Get a List of Unassigned Account Members
Use this resource to get a list of all account members that are not assigned to an account.
📄️ Get all Account Memberships
You can also use `include=account_member` to retrieve details about the account members associated with the account memberships.
📄️ Create an Account Membership
📄️ Get an Account Membership
Get an account membership from an account in your store
📄️ Update an Account Membership
You can update and extend an account member details using [core flows](/docs/api/flows/flows#extend-an-existing-resource). However, you cannot update the `account_member_id` of an account member.
📄️ Delete an Account Membership
Delete a membership from an account